Cybot GalacticaFull unit name: Cybot Galactica
Last updated: 05.11.2022 16:39:20
Basic info
First appearance: A New Hope
Cybot Galactica (CG) was one of the two largest droid manufacturing companies in the galaxy, the other being Industrial Automaton
Industrial Automaton
. Cybot Galactica dominated the market in nonmilitary droids, especially protocol droids. The company was headquartered on Etti IV in the Corporate Sector. It excelled in marketing and design, but was also known to have expensive products. However, the wide-ranging service and support Cybot Galactica made up for this. Almost all major and minor Republic and Imperial worlds had at least one Cybot sales and service center. Because of how common their products and service centers were, mechanics had a comparatively easy time repairing and modifying Cybot droids. Like other droid manufacturers, Cybot Galactica utilized the expansive production facilities on Telti, as well as those on the planet Affa for their protocol division. Cybot Galactica was a major force in galactic history and a powerful influence in the Core Worlds and the Corporate Sector. The corporation was known for a wide range of droid models ranging from simple labor droids to advanced security models. They also produced computer equipment and electronics. Cybot Galactica collaborated with Kuat Drive Yards
Kuat Drive Yards
to make the All-Terrain Exploration Droid.


See also
Related units, characters and technologies
3PO-series Protocol Droid
LE-series Repair Droid
TC-series Protocol Droid
WED-15 Septoid Treadwell Droid
WED-15 Treadwell Droid
TIE Drone

Full unit name: Cybot Galactica Last updated: 05.11.2022 16:39:20